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Render props

This article is part of a section on how components can share data with their children. See the section overview here.

Render props is a technique for sharing data between a component and its children. Render props are based on the ability to pass functions as props to a component.

Functions in props are usually meant as callbacks for the component to invoke; the component tells us something has happened. In contrast, functions that serve as render props are meant to be rendered (that is, shown in the UI) by the component; we're telling the component what to render.

The canonical render prop: function as a child

When children is used as a render prop, the pattern is also called function as a child, and it's the variant used most often.

We tell components what to render all the time: passing children to components is one of the basic ways to compose our application's element tree. When a custom component receives children,


Function as any prop

Many functions as children

Optional function as a prop

We can take the render prop function even further by making it optional. Our component can more flexible if it allows, but does not require, the child to be a function.

So when we use the component, we might find that the children for the component don't need anything from it, and it's shorter to write:

// Instead of:
const App = props => {
return <MyComponent>{data => <Child />}</MyComponent>;

// We could write:
const App = props => {
return (
<Child />

To support this pattern of usage, MyComponent needs to look at whether the children prop contains a function and invoke it, or otherwise render the children as they are:

const MyComponent = props => {
const data = {
foo: bar
return (
<div className="my-component">
{optionalRenderProp(props.children, data)}

function optionalRenderProp(prop, data) {
return typeof prop === 'function' ? prop(data) : prop;

With the optionalRenderProp helper, the users of MyComponent can choose when to use the data and where to ignore it.

The shape of data

We devise a contract of how the component passes data down to its children. The contract is reflected in the function signature (the number of arguments child functions receive). Astute readers will notice that if the contract states a single attribute — a props if you will — functions as children are indistinguishable from inline components.

So you can think of this particular subset of render props as function components defined inline, with the purpose of capturing some values from the render scope.

How render props relate similar patterns

Render props vs. HOC

Render props can be used instead of Higher-Order Components when you need more flexibility. While HOCs encapsulate the way components get decorated with extra props in an inflexible way which occasionally can result in prop name collisions, render props simply expose data, and you can choose inline how to apply them to the child elements.

See Michael Jackson's article Use a Render Prop!.

Render props vs. hooks



Render props are a way to build a component's API so that the component can pass down data to its children via function arguments.