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Event handling outside the component

A component sometimes needs to listen to events on DOM nodes outside its scope, most frequently on either document or window. Instead of managing the events manually, via addEventListener and removeEventListener, we can use the small react-event-listener library to handle them in a way that feels more natural to React and is clearer and less error-prone.

Take this small component which you can move with your mouse:

import EventListener from 'react-event-listener';

const initial_state = {
	x: 0,
	y: 0,
	moving: false

class Movable extends React.Component {
	constructor(props) {

		// setup the component's initial state
		this.state = initial_state;

		// bind the event listeners
		this.startMove = this.startMove.bind(this);
		this.doMove = this.doMove.bind(this);
		this.endMove = this.endMove.bind(this);

	startMove() {
		// setting this on the state will mount <EventListener/>
		this.setState({ moving: true });

	doMove(e) {
			x: e.clientX,
			y: e.clientY

	endMove() {
		// setting this on the state will unmount <EventListener/>
		this.setState({ moving: false });

	render() {
		let { moving, x, y } = this.state;

		let style = {
			position: 'absolute',
			width: '100px',
			height: '100px',
			background: 'red',
			left: `${x}px`,
			top: `${y}px`

		return (
			<div onMouseDown={this.startMove} style={style}>
				{moving && (

EventListener will add and remove the mousemove and mouseup callbacks to document along with the component being mounted and unmounted. Short and sweet.