The glossary explains some common React jargon in simpler terms. See also Glossary + Explain Like I'm Five in the React Working Group.
ancestor component
See component, ancestor.
callback function
See function, callback.
child component
See component, child.
class component
See component, class.
descendant component
drilling, prop
Prop drilling refers to passing down a prop from an ancestor to a descendant component by repeatedly passing it from parent to child component. Also called threading.
comparison, deep
comparison, shallow
We make a comparison to tell if two objects are the same.
In JavaScript simple values (numbers, strings, etc.) that match are equal:
'hello' === 'hello';
1 === 1;
null === null;
undefined === undefined;
However, Arrays and Objects are only equal if they have the same reference (that is, they point to the same thing), even though they look to have the same values inside.
{ a: 1, b: 2} !== { a:1, b: 2 };
[1, 2, 3] !== [1, 2, 3];
let objA = objB = { a: 1, b: 2};
objA === objB;
let arrA = arrB = [1, 2, 3];
arrA === arrB;
A more useful comparison might look at whether the properties of two objects, or the items in two arrays, are the same:
equal({ a: 1, b: 2 }, { a: 1, b: 2 }); // => true
Now the question is, how deep inside objects do we look?
A shallow comparison looks only at the top-level properties to see if they match, hence the name shallow:
let objA = { a: 1, b: 2 };
let objB = { a: 1, b: 2 };
shallowEqual(objA, objB); // => true
let objC = {
a: 1,
b: {
ba: 1,
bb: 2
let objD = {
a: 1,
b: {
ba: 1,
bb: 2
shallowEqual(objC, objD); // => false
A comparison that looks at nested properties inside objects is called a deep comparison, but it can be slower to check the properties at all levels.
A shallow comparison is thus useful enough, and fast enough, to be used in React components so that we can tell whether anything was added, removed, or updated in the component's props
or state
, and decide whether that warrants a re-render.
is, in fact, just a React.Component
that implements a shallow comparison between the current props
and the new props
, and the current state
and new state
in the shouldComponentUpdate
It makes it important to use immutable structures.
component, ancestor
We say that a component is an ancestor of another component if it's higher up the component tree. A direct ancestor is usually called a parent component.
The reverse of an ancestor is called a descendant. A direct descendant is called a child.
<C />
In the example above, A
is an ancestor of C
; conversely, C
is a descendant of A
In React parents and children communicate via props. Ancestors and descendants can use the context API to communicate direcly without having to pass props down the component tree from parent to child.
component, child
In React parents and children communicate via props.
component, class
component, descendant
We say that a component is a descendant of another component if it's lower down the component tree. A direct descendant is usually called a child component.
The reverse of an descendant is called an ancestor. A direct ancestor is called a parent.
<C />
In the example above, C
is an descendant of A
; conversely, A
is an ancestor of C
In React parents and children communicate via props. Ancestors and descendants can use the context API to communicate direcly without having to pass props down the component tree from parent to child.
component, functional
component, higher-order
component, parent
In React parents and children communicate via props.
component, pure
component, stateful
component, stateless
component tree
Also called component hierarchy.
cross-cutting concern
deep comparison
See comparison, deep.
deep merge
See merge, deep.
event, native
event, synthetic
function, callback
function, pure
function, impure
functional component
higher-order component
immutable structure
impure function
See function, impure.
lifecycle method
See method, lifecycle.
merge, shallow
Merging means combining two or more objects. It usually involves a source object and a destination object.
A shallow merge is takes the properties from the source object and copies them over to the destination object, adding to it any new properties and overwriting existing properties with new values.
const source = {
name: 'New Name',
address: {
city: 'Bucharest'
birthdate: '01/01/1911'
const destination = {
name: 'Old Name',
address: {
city: 'Cluj-Napoca',
street: 'Museum Square'
occupation: 'freelancer'
shallowMerge(destination, source);
/* =>
name: 'New Name',
address: {
city: 'Bucharest'
occupation: 'freelancer'
In the example above, the destination object:
- gets a new value for the existing string property
; - gets an entirely new object for the existing object property
; - gets a new property
; - retains its value for the property
It's called a shallow merge because it doesn't merge nested properties; instead it overwrites them altogheter (in the example, the address
property gets overwritten). A merge that also applies to nested properties is called a deep merge.
A React component's setState(newState)
method shallowly merges newState
into the component's existing state, so you only need to send the properties you want to change to it.
merge, deep
Merging means combining two or more objects. It usually involves a source object and a destination object.
A deep merge is takes the properties from the source object and copies them over to the destination object, adding to it any new properties and merging the old values of existing properties with the new values.
const source = {
name: 'New Name',
address: {
city: 'Bucharest'
birthdate: '01/01/1911'
const destination = {
name: 'Old Name',
address: {
city: 'Cluj-Napoca',
street: 'Museum Square'
occupation: 'freelancer'
deepMerge(destination, source);
/* =>
name: 'New Name',
address: {
city: 'Bucharest',
street: "Museum Square"
occupation: 'freelancer'
In the example above, the destination object:
- gets a new value for the existing string property
; - gets a value for the existing object property
that merges existing value and the new value; - gets a new property
; - retains its value for the property
It's called a deep merge because also merges nested properties instead of overwriting them altogether as in the case of a shallow merge.
A React component's setState(newState)
method does not deeply merge newState
into the component's existing state (instead, it does so shallowly). Use a variant of the setState
function that allows you to build the new state out based on the existing one to update a nested property:
this.setState(previous_state => {
return {
address: {
city: 'Bucharest'
The example above updates the nested
property of the state.
method, lifecycle
Mounting means adding a component to the DOM. The opposite operation of removing a component from the DOM is called unmounting.
native event
See event, native.
parent component
See component, parent.
pure component
See component, pure.
pure function
See function, pure.
property, static
shallow comparison
See comparison, shallow.
shallow merge
See merge, shallow.
state (React)
state (Redux)
stateful component
See component, stateful.
stateless component
See component, stateless.
static property
See property, static.
synthetic event
See event, synthetic.
See drilling, prop.
Unmounting means removing a component to the DOM. The opposite operation of adding a component to the DOM is called mounting.