Getting Started

Last updated on Apr 6th, 2014

Meet Grunt

Grunt was created by Ben Alman a.k.a. @cowboy to automate his front-end development workflow. You know, all the little repetitive tasks like unit testing, minifying your JavaScript and CSS, compiling your Sass stylesheets or CoffeeScripts, linting and what-not. With Grunt, they become a breeze: configure them once and let Grunt run them for you; in this sense, Grunt is a task runner for the boring but oh-so-necessary parts of the web developer's life. It's open source and at the heart of a wonderful ecosystem of thousands of plugins. As such, any tool you've ever used in your workflow is likely to have a Grunt counterpart. And if it doesn't, it's easy to roll out your own plugin and share it with the community. Organizations like Twitter, Adobe, jQuery (and many others) use it and so should you, because it's A Great Thing™.

Front-end workflow?

Here are some things we talk about when we talk about front-end workflow:

Optimizing for speed: concatenation & minification

One of the tenets of optimizing web applications is to do everything in our power to reduce (1) the amount of HTTP requests and (2) the payload for each HTTP request. In real life, this means bundling your scripts, stylesheets — and even images! — into as few files as possible, using whatever tools one can cobble together.

We'll use Grunt to make our web application production-ready.

Keeping things modular

HTML lacks a way to compose your pages from modules. To have a website with many pages that share a common header and footer, which is to say any website ever, you're stuck with:

We'll learn how to use Grunt to write and compose HTML modules in a straightforward way.

Making CSS & JavaScript fun again

CSS and JavaScript are wonderful things with less-than-wonderful parts. CSS is crippled by repetition since it lacks variables and inheritance. JavaScript uses prototype inheritance, which seems un unnerve people used to classical inheritance.

Sass, LESS and a host of other languages superset CSS with features like variables, mixins, nesting and functions. They make the code more concise, readable and maintainable. Through dedicated tools, these get compiled into normal CSS and used in web pages.

Similarly, CoffeeScript and TypeScript aim to soothe the pains of JavaScript developers by providing traditional classes and inheritance along other features and syntactic perks.

We'll see how Grunt can pre-process these files automatically, so you don't even have to think about it.

Keeping bugs at bay

Lint is the fluff that accumulates on your clothes or in your bellybutton. It's also the name of a class of tools that look at your code and flag potentially flawed constructs. They're formally known as static code analysis tools.

We have lint checkers for JavaScript that remind you that == is not the same thing as === or that declaring functions inside a for-loop is generally a bad idea. They also point out style inconsistencies such as using tabs and spaces for indentation, which usually drive people working in a team insane.

And then there's unit testing, that thing you should be doing — in fact, I'm going to assume you are — that keeps us safe from breaking things when we refactor code.

We'll find that Grunt is the perfect tool to automate code checking & testing.

Better documentation

They say every person has a book in them. Grunt can help your meticulously crafted comments shine by making them into clean, readable documentation.


Here are a few places we're going to visit quite often, so make sure you have them handy:

Get Grunt Up & Running

Grunt is written in JavaScript, so you'll need a Node.js environment and the Node Package Manager that comes with it.

Install Node

Go to and grab the installer for your operating system. It will install Node and NPM.

Note: Working with Grunt means interacting with a shell, which Mac and Linux users are lucky enough to have readily available. As for Windows, let's just say I'd eat a live snail before I use the Command Prompt. Instead, I suggest you install Git for Windows — available at — that comes with a real shell.

Install Grunt

We'll use NPM to install the Grunt CLI (Command-Line Interpreter) from the console:

npm install -g grunt-cli

The -g flag stands for global, which makes the grunt command available for any project on your machine.

You may need administrator rights to install grunt-cli globally. If that's the case, just run:

sudo npm install -g grunt-cli

That's it! You're ready to add Grunt magic to your projects.

Set up your first Grunt project

Let's create a new project:

mkdir my-project
cd my-project

There are two main files you need to create in the root directory of your project:

Your project's file structure should look like this:


Let's create a basic version of this file:

  "name": "my-project", // the name of our project, hyphen-separated
  "version": "0.0.0" // project version (in semantic format)

Now, let's install Grunt in our current project.

But wait, didn't we do that already? Well, sort of. We did install Grunt CLI, but that's just a small utility that runs the local version of grunt for you. We still need to install Grunt in our project (no -g flag this time):

npm install grunt --save-dev

The --save-dev flag tells NPM to update package.json to include grunt as a dependency for the project. Our file will now look like this:

  "name": "my-project",
  "version": "0.0.0",

  // the list of project dependencies
  "devDependencies": {
      "grunt": "~0.4.1"

You'll also notice a node_modules directory was added to your project. This is where NPM installs all the local modules — so far it contains just the grunt module. If you're using Git, you can safely add node_modules to .gitignore.

Your project's file structure now looks like this:


Did you know? Running npm install in any project directory that has a package.json will install all its necessary dependencies with their appropriate versions, as listed in the devDependencies section.


Next, let's create a Gruntfile next to our package.json. The basic format for the file is this:

module.exports = function(grunt) {
  // We'll do grunt stuff here soon!

For example, let's write a task that just prints out Hello World! into the console:

module.exports = function(grunt) {
  grunt.registerTask('default', function() {
      grunt.log.write('Hello World!');

And now to run it:

> Running "default" task
> Hello World!

Take five

Alright, let's recap what we've just done:

  1. We installed Node and NPM, which allow us to run Grunt and install all the necessary plugins;
  2. We made the grunt command available by installing the Grunt CLI globally;
  3. We created a new, empty project;
  4. We added basic versions of package.json and Gruntfile.js;
  5. We ran grunt for the first time!

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