Sassy Sass

Last updated on Apr 6th, 2014

Plugins used: grunt-contrib-sass.

Note: To make grunt-contrib-sass work, you also need to have Ruby and Sass installed. To check if you have ruby installed, type ruby -v in the console. When you've confirmed you have Ruby installed, run gem install sass to install Sass.

Install the Sass plugin

npm install grunt-contrib-sass --save-dev

and then, in our Gruntfile:


Configure the sass task

We'll create a single target called all for our task. We'll then define a list of source/destination pairs in the files property:

module.exports = function(grunt) {
        sass: {
            all: {
                files: {
                    'css/main.css': 'scss/main.scss',
                    'css/homepage.css': 'scss/homepage.scss'

If you went through the previous chapter, you'll recall the files property accepts an array of comma-separated file paths. Turns out there are a host of ways to describe the files your tasks needs to operate on, but we'll talk about that later. For now, let's examine this form:

files: {
    'css/main.css': 'scss/main.scss',
    'css/homepage.css': 'scss/homepage.scss'

We've defined files as an object with key/value pairs correspond to destination-file/source-file.

Run the sass ask

Let's run our task to see how it works:

grunt sass

A better way to define source/destination pairs

This means that for each new Sass file that you add to your project, you'll need to edit your Gruntfile to include a new source/destination pair in your sass task. Not too sexy.

Let's fix that by building the files object dynamically:

files: [{
    expand: true,
    cwd: 'scss/',
    src: ['*.scss'],
    dest: 'css/',
    ext: '.css'

Okay, take a deep breath! There's a lot going on in the few lines above. First, we've moved back to files as an array, but instead of strings describing single paths, we now have objects describing source/destination mappings. How is it done? Let's look at each property:

In plain words, the previous construct reads as:

Run all files with the .scss extension from the scss folder through the sass task and place the resulting files in the css folder, each with their original names but with the .css extension instead of .scss.

If you run grunt sass again, you'll notice that everything still works, but with the added benefit that we add/remove Sass files to your project and they'll be picked up by the sass task without having to update the Gruntfile each time.

Read more about the different ways to define files in the chapter Files In-Depth.

Take five

In this recipe, we've learned: